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  Địa chỉ: 5 đường 10, Bình An, Quận 2, TP.HCM (ngoài đường Trần Não) Tọa lạc tại An Phú, ngay phía bên kia Xa lộ Hà Nội từ Thảo Điền, Quận 2, Trường Quốc tế Montessori Việt Nam cơ sở Bình An có vị trí thuận tiện cho các gia đình sống tại các phường Bình An, An Phú và Thảo Điền, hoặc các gia đình sống trong các khu căn hộ cao cấp như Cantavil An Phú, Estella và Imperia An Phú. Quý phụ huynh cũng có thể dễ dàng đi đến các quận Bình Thạnh và Quận 1 của bằng ô tô hoặc xe máy. Cơ sở vật chất tại MIS Bình An Dựa trên phương pháp Montessori, MIS Bình An được thiết kế để cung cấp các bài học, hoạt động và công cụ phù hợp với sở thích và nhu cầu của từng học sinh. Các lớp học của chúng tôi được chuẩn bị để cung cấp một môi trường yên tĩnh, ngăn nắp. Tương tác xã hội được khuyến khích bằng cách cung cấp không gian mở và mọi thứ mà trẻ tiếp xúc được thiết kế nhằm khuyến khích sự khám phá và tự học. Các phòng học của trường có cửa sổ lớn đón ánh sáng tự nhiên và được trang bị quạt, điều hòa nhiệt

Method of teaching children to become familiar with the Alphabet

  The Montessori method – a way to help children get familiar with the Alphabet. Children learn to read and write unconsciously. By holding toys, children learn how to hold a pen. And children learn to write from a doodle on paper. Also, by listening to the first sounds of words, your child will learn how sounds combine to form a word. With the Montessori method, children learn to read and write in a very natural way. They can study on their own time budget, without any constraints. Movable Alphabet As Dr. Maria Montessori once said: “What the hand does, the mind remembers.” ” What the hand does, the mind remembers.” It is quite common in the Montessori teaching method when children begin to learn from the most concrete things and gradually move to more abstract concepts. The more children know how to perform actions, write and draw with their hands, the more concepts and letters are in their brain. A Montessori classroom Adults are the same as children. The more we feel/receive the in

Method of teaching autistic children at Montessori kindergarten.

  Method of teaching autistic children at Montessori kindergarten. Have you ever seen a little child who always looks sad? They seem like nothing can interest them? Nowadays, the number of autistic children is really alarming. 1. What is autism? What are the symptoms of autistic children? Definition: Before having appropriate teaching methods for children with autism. We need to understand what autism is? Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)  is a brain syndrome that is thought to be a form of defect or delay in development. Which can make life difficult for people who have it. Especially in terms of social communication is greatly hindered. However, if detected and treated quickly. Autistic people will easily develop themselves and reintegrate into everyday life. Autism now occurs at an alarming rate especially among children between the ages of 6 and 17 years. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. – 1 out of 50 children have ASD. Autism? Some of the symptoms of au

English for preschoolers - Should or should not teach English to children from a young age?

 According to the Montessori educational method, the first 6 years of life are the "golden period". At this stage, parents notice the child's remarkable development in brain function. The child's ability to absorb during this period is considered "infinite" because it happens very powerful. Therefore, this period is seen as an appropriate time to teach children of languages. However, the issue of teaching English for preschoolers becomes a matter of controversy, should we do that or not? English for preschoolers - Should or should not teach English to children from a young age? Not only based on the Montessori method, but other scientific studies also show that early life, especially kindergarten, children from 3 to 6 years old are the "golden period" for children to learn. ask for something new. One of them is the new language. If children are like blank sheets, the preschoolers' ability to absorb is like a sponge. The sooner they expose to th

Maria Montessori, a talented woman's biography (Part 1)

  Maria Montessori, a talented woman's biography (Part 1) Maria Montessori, many people might be familiar with her name. Maybe you found her through some research or reading. Or maybe because the name "Montessori" can be seen with hundreds of kindergartens recently. The Montessori teaching method is becoming more popular with many parents. So that, many of them let their children go to Montessori schools.   And Dr. Maria Montesssori is the one who created this "Montessori" method - the most optimal educational method for children aged 0-6 years. Read more about the Montessori: Maria Montessori - overview of an extraordinary life:  Maria Montessori is Italy's first female medical doctor. She is one of the pioneers and most influential in the history of kindergarten education. Born in Ancona, Italy, in 1870, her father was of aristocratic origin and her mother was a philosopher. Not just that, Anth